I took it as an exercise: what can be done in Excel? Find the answer uploaded. For this the function evaluation has to be speed up first. After massaging the code the result seems nice, there is a routine tstRunTimeHestonIntegrands to check it. Next is integration. And Gauss-Laguerre is not the right one. One thing would be FFT (but Excel has not a reasonable one and it would be a mess with exactness). So i thought about adaptive quadrature but after some hack around i decided to equal spaced slicing in subintervalls and to apply a fast and simple Gauss-Legendre method. Due to Excel's restricted excactness of ~ 15 digits a choose of degree=16 works (the higher degree above is nonsense, it introduces error). Playing with exacter tools a cut off for integration at 128 gives good results. That is the default used in the sheet. To change it set the global variables gLength and gLengthSubInterval (module mHestonIntegrals) appropriate by opening the VBA project. For the concurrent values use tstRunTimeHestonValue to check speed: if one uses 64 and 16 it is much faster with 4 - 5 digits of exactness for realistic parameters (for very short times one has to obey the oscillation, i did that in a rude way, dont be careless - anyway Heston is not for short experies ...). The sheet contains some reference values to check excatness (esp if one wants to integrate coarser). The values have been computed with the NAG library using Maple for cutoff=128 and cutoff=180. It is a very reliable lib (it even checks round off errors), and limited to machine precision it gives ~ 14 - 15 digits. Which is enough to cross check Excel :-) For the default parameters against the reference values the exactness of the implemented Excel solution is ~ 10^(-9) (with a speed of 45 option values per second [on a 900 Mhz PC], increasing almost linear to 180 values per sec for the coarser grid - the speed to evaluate the real parts of the 2 integrands is 11500 pairs per second). Additional there are 2 simple grafics to get a feeling what happens with the integrands, they display on data entered in the sheet 'HestonPrice'. Of course one could do it properly with C (i dont do), but it was fun with Excel and i learned a lot through it. Enjoy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For the actual option oneneeds to discount the result: i forgot that. And VolVol = 0 is missing as well as a good behaviour if that limit should be approached.